Field Training Module – APS 2017 Conference in the Banco National Park, Côte d’Ivoire

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Field Training Module – APS 2017 Conference in the Banco National Park, Côte d’Ivoire (27 July 2017)

This training module is intended for:

  1. Novice researchers who wish to learn about survey theories and techniques or those who know something about surveys and may have done surveys, but not confident about the details,
  2. Young practitioners who participated in a similar training in Benin from us in January 2016 cannot apply.

NB: Number of places is limited to 15. Only the first 15 applicants who meet the above-mentioned criteria will be selected for the training
The training will take place on 27 July 2016 and will done in two parts.
Part 1: Seminars
11.30: Departure from the hotel Lunch in the Banco forest
13.00-13.45: Overview of survey methods
13.45-14.45: Semi-structured interviews, reconnaissance survey method and occupancy modeling
14.45-16.00: Program DISTANCE
Part 2. Field training
16.00: Dusk diurnal survey and hypothesis testing,
18.00: Nocturnal survey

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5. All training materials, including Primates of West Africa book, Primates of West Africa pocket guide (Courtesy of Conservation International), digital copies of relevant articles, and data sheets will be provided, but bringing a pair of binoculars, a pen, rain poncho, and a powerful flashlight with full battery is mandatory. Both hands must be free to take notes (That means having a backpack is a good idea).
6. Training will be provided even in case of rain from 4.00 pm. But in case of heavy rain, it can be delayed until 5.00 pm or canceled.
7. All trainees will bring sufficient amount of water. There will be no water sharing in the field.


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