Policy Brief writing contest

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“The growing evidence of the links between biodiversity loss and the emergence of epidemics: implications for human well being and the conservation of African Primates”

Submit a policy brief for cash prize of $500, a certificate and bragging rights!
What is a policy brief? A policy brief presents a concise summary of information that can
help non-expert readers understand, and perhaps make decisions about, public policy issues.
Policy briefs may give objective summaries of relevant research, suggest possible policy options,
or go even further and argue for particular courses of action.
Why are policy briefs important? Succinct evidence-based information helps policymakers
decide what to do. A policymaker is someone making or influencing policy, such as an elected
official or agency director. Policy briefs are important for researchers; making research findings
easily digestible increases the likelihood of research being read and acted upon by policymakers.
What are we looking for? We are looking for a succinctly written policy brief based on the
content of the panel discussion and follow-up meeting organized by APS on the links between
biodiversity, the emergence of epidemics and their implications for human well being and the
conservation of African Primates.
The winning submission will incorporate high-quality writing and visual communication
appropriate for policymakers, as defined above.



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